BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian desktop application > Setting personal options > Setting actions options

Setting actions options

The options on the Actions tab control how Meridian reacts when you take certain actions.

The following table lists the options and their descriptions.

Actions options
Option Description

Selecting a document refreshes the viewer pane

Select your preference:

  • Automatically – Immediately displays the selected document.
  • After clicking the Refresh button – Displays the selected document only when you click Refresh.

    Tip    This option is useful to improve the responsiveness of the Meridian client application and to reduce unnecessary network traffic.

Double-clicking the viewer pane

Select your preference:

  • Expands the viewer to full screen – Expands the viewer to full screen when you double-click the viewer window.
  • Opens the document in its native application – Opens the document in its native application when you double-click the viewer window.
  • Does nothing – Does nothing when you double-click the viewer window.


Double-clicking a thumbnail

Select your preference:

  • Toggles the viewer pan visibility – Toggles the viewer pan visibility when you double-click the document’s thumbnail image.
  • Expands the viewer to full-screen – Expands the viewer to full-screen when you double-click the document’s thumbnail image.
  • Opens the document in its native application – Opens the document in its native application when you double-click the document’s thumbnail image.
  • Refreshes the thumbnail – Refreshes the thumbnail when you double-click the document’s thumbnail image.
  • Does nothing – Does nothing when you double-click the document’s thumbnail image.

Related tasks

Setting personal options

Arranging the window layout

Configuring the application look

Setting general options

Setting appearance options

Setting advanced options

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